jueves, 30 de mayo de 2019

READING (Vacation Posts)

Look at the pictures. What do you think each person did on his or her vacation?

Image result for terracotta warriors
1. Rachel

I arrived in China two weeks ago, but my trip is almost over! I’m with a group from the university. We stayed with families in Beijing for a week. We studied Mandarin every day, and I practiced a lot with my host family. Then my group took a trip to Xi’an. We saw the terracotta statues and learned about Chinese history. I’m tired, but I loved every minute of my trip.

2. Hee-jin

I just spend a week at a yoga retreat in Florida. Every day, I did yoga, went for long walks on the beach, collected seashells, and ate great vegetarian food. I also learned how to play tennis. I feel fantastic! Now I’m going to visit friends in Miami for a few days. Click on my photo album to see more pictures!

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3. Chris

Chile is amazing! I just returned from a trip to the Torres del Paine National Park. We took a plane to a boat to a bus to get to the park. I was with four other friends. We camped outside and hiked around the park for 10 days. I saw glaciers and lots of wildlife, including some pink flamingos. Now I’m back in Santiago for a week.


Please click on the link bellow and answer the questions according to reading Vacation Posts.


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