miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019

THE SIMPLE PAST - introduction


It is a tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed before now. The simple past tense shows that you are talking about something that has already happened. Unlike the past continuous tense, which is used to talk about past events that happened over a period of time, the simple past tense emphasizes that the action is finished.

How to formulate the simple past in positive
 We form the Simple Past:
o    with regular verbs: infinitive + -ed
o    with irregular verbs: 2nd column of the table of the irregular verbs
We form the Simple Past:
o    With was and were: I was tired, you were lucky

How to formulate the simple past in negative
Simple Past Tense – Negative  was not (wasn’t) were not (weren’t)

Subject + was/were + not + …
o   You were not (weren’t)  lucky.
o   She was not (wasn’t ) lucky.

Simple Past Tense  with verb irregular or regular
Subject + did not + V1 + …
o   We did not (didn’t) go to school.
How to formulate the simple past for questions
Simple Past Tense – Question
Was/Were + Subject + …?                 
Were you lucky?
Did + Subject + V1 + …?
Did we go to school?

When we have to use simple past

If you have doubts, you can watch this video:

Table of the most common irregular verbs

→ download here 

To work regular verbs in past, you can check this video 

Take this short Quiz to check your    
understanding (click here)

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